We always recommend checking with the venue directly for a full list of the latest rules and information, as venue rules may be subject to change.

Before attending a show or event at The Majestic Theatre, Dallas, please make yourself aware of the following rules and regulations and note that these have been put in place to encourage every person to have the best possible experience, within a safe setting.

1. Arrive on time
Remember to leave plenty of time on arrival so that you do not cause disruption as once a performance has started, it is good theatre etiquette to keep noise and shuffling to a minimum. 30 minutes prior to an event start time is perfect as it gives you time to find your seats, visit the restroom and purchase Food & Drinks from the lobby.

If you need to leave the event before a performance has finished, please do keep this same point in mind and be as quiet as you can so that the actors on stage and fellow attendees are not disrupted.

2. Stay in your correct seats
When you are shown to your seats, that you have selected as you book your tickets online – please do not try to change as other audience members could arrive at different times to yourself and will expect to sit in the correct spaces.

3. Turn off your Cell Phones
Please keep all electronic devices to silent during the performance, this does include; cell phones, beepers and alarms of any kind. Check these before the start time to ensure noise is kept to a minimum. Please try to refrain from texting as the light is distracting for others.